Welcome to Explications, my personal lecture hall to explain glitches and mechanics in as much excruciatingly pointless detail as I'd like. And no one can stop me. My goal is both to teach and to learn. In these posts, I plan to strip games (mostly A Link to the Past) down to their individual CPU operations in an attempt to pinpoint the what, where, why, and how of these bugs. Sometimes I'll take a jab at the original developers just to get in the who.
I'll try to make these somewhat accessible by using terminology that anyone familiar enough with the game should understand. But in the end, I am writing these for myself, simply because it's something I feel like doing.
List of
- Milon's Secret Honeycomb (7 October 2024)
- Tragic trigonometry (1 August 2024)
- Version differences (16 October 2023)
- Jingle glitch (6 August 2023)
- Unused room effects (7 Feburary 2023)
- Bumper pot teleport (27 January 2023)
- Blind (24 October 2022)
- Sanc and Quit (31 July 2022)
- Illegal ancillae (25 November 2021)
- Double gibo kill (3 August 2021)
- Overlay corruption (2 August 2021)
- Software breaks (1 January 2021)
- Shin Megami Tensei intro (1 December 2020)
- Superspeed bomb toss (4 November 2020)
- Action hitboxes (29 August 2020)
- Damage to sprites (11 August 2020)
- Lonk (9 May 2020)
- ALTTP RNG (26 February 2020)
- Remote control boomerang (15 February 2020)
- Heart dupe (29 January 2020)
- Moldorm 2 bumper bounce (10 January 2020)
- Houlihan (4 December 2019)
- Mirror block erase (22 October 2019)
- Tree warp (20 October 2019)
- Fake flippers (20 October 2019)
Sometimes I make tables, either for an Explication or as a standalone.